Published August 9, 2021 at 12:00 am
The airline low cost Wizz Air plans to recruit 4600 new pilots by 2030 including 300 this year, to support the post-pandemic resumption of air traffic.
Describing itself as Europe's fastest-growing airline, the Hungarian low-cost specialist speeds up recruitmentwith "plans to hire 4,600 new pilots by 2030" at its network airports. Wizz Air points out that it has already trained over 150 additional pilots in order to "fly this summer at over 100% of capacity" pre-Covid-19 : more than 300 other pilots are to be hired by the end of 2021, as it seeks to "achieve its ambitious growth plans following the pandemic". Wizz also pledged last year to see 20% female pilots by 2027.
Enthusiastic applicants "who have always dreamed of a career in the sky" can apply online at this page (on the Wizz Air website. It welcomes applications from experienced captains and first officers as well as those with no flying experience, thanks to its Wizz Air Pilot Academy program "which gives aspiring pilots the opportunity to obtain a commercial pilot's license". In addition to intensive pilot recruitment, Wizz Air continues to recruit flight attendants in its 43 bases (none in France) "to meet its growth plans". The new recruits will join the low-cost carrier "at an exciting time of continued growth for the airline, which opened 18 new bases and launched over 300 new routes on its network in the past year alone".
Pilots joining Wizz Air will have the opportunity to operate the airline's ever-expanding fleet of Airbus A320 and A321 (including 6 A320neo and 33 A321neo) "young, modern and sustainable" on over 800 routes to 191 destinations in 49 countries. Wizz Air is "committed to more than tripling the size of its fleet", with 500 Airbus expected over the next ten years, creating "a multitude of opportunities for pilots looking for rapid career progression, competitive pay, state-of-the-art training and development, a secure open-ended contract, and a variety of flexible and fixed roster models".
Wizz Air COO Heiko Holm said: " we pride ourselves on the excellent opportunities, competitive salary, compensation and benefits offered to our pilots, as well as flexible and fixed program models to enable a better work-life balance. Whether a seasoned pilot with 20 years' experience or a budding pilot with no aviation experience, we are committed to supporting our crew with a clear career path and rapid development opportunities. ".

Wizz Air
August 9, 2021 - 12 h 25 min

Ryanair, Wizz air are in fact looking for pilots ready to be paid minimum wage to work in a company with no social protection and self-employed status. Kleenex pilots who can be dismissed without compensation All this with the agreement of the European authorities who encourage these practices.
It's simply a shame
August 9, 2021 - 13 h 29 min

To write that Ryanair cabin crew (for example) are "paid the minimum wage" (sic remaining understood that the gross minimum wage is 1539 €/month) shows, once again, your ignorance of realities and facts or your denial:
"Most Ryanair pilots set to strike next week - seeking demands that include a pay hike - are already on wages as high as €180,000, according to their own union."
"In the UK and Europe, commercial pilots can also expect to earn a good salary. Top level Long Haul Captains flying at airlines like British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Lufthansa & KLM can be expected to earn between £/€ 150,000 - £/€ 250,000 a year. This varies depending on length of service, training qualifications, as well as bonuses, allowances and flight pay. First Officers at short haul low cost airlines like Ryanair, easyJet and Wizz Air can expect to earn up to £/€ 80,000 a year whilst a short haul Captain salary ranges up to around £/€150,000. Regional pilots might start on as little as £/€20,000 a year."
August 9, 2021 - 2:24 pm

If you could also give the salaries of pilots at Wizzair, that would be interesting (it seems to me that it's not even 50% of the salaries given above).
August 9, 2021 - 16 h 01 min

If the Internet has its faults, it's also a source of (reliable) information, and anyone can find the links (by cross-referencing information). At random, to answer your question, the first links found on "Wizz and salaries" (search engine) were these (non-limitative and non-exhaustive list obviously):
August 9, 2021 - 20 h 32 min

It's an "elegant" way of saying that the flight premium (= pay for an hour of flight) is lousy....ce which requires "a Max of hdv" to receive a good salary!( not even a super or extra salary, no: just "good"!)
August 9, 2021 - 14 h 59 min

I didn't say that pilots were paid minimum wage. I simply pointed out that these future recruits will be prepared to do anything to fly with these companies, and the bosses know it.
As for my lack of knowledge of the industry, I urge you not to be too circumspect in your comments.
August 9, 2021 - 16 h 12 min

As far as my observation is concerned, it's linked to a number of your comments/predictions over the weeks and months, including (examples): mass redundancies to come at BOEING and AIRBUS, closure of NANTES airport, 7,000 aircraft never to be delivered, AIRBUS to become AIRPARKING, among others.
The times ahead will allow us to assess the relevance of your predictions.
August 9, 2021 - 16 h 59 min

I didn't know that there had been plant closures in Spain, nor was I aware of the cancellation of orders by manufacturers, which far exceeded orders.
...over the next 50 years there's no doubt that aircraft will be delivered ,,,,will you be there to see it? I hope you will.
As for the redundancies ..this will be what companies call Restructuring....don't be fooled
August 10, 2021 - 2:13 pm

As a copi in the LC company for several years, I've never earned €80k a year... Information on the Internet is all well and good, but it has to be verified and generalizations avoided.
The reality today is that a yellow and blue LC is asking its "cadets" to pay 30k€ for a QT with a 6-month contract at the end of which they will be paid 1300€ gross per month.
Of course, this is not the kind of information that the company will communicate and that you will find online!
August 9, 2021 - 2:23 pm

long live the EU!!!!!!!!!!
August 9, 2021 - 15 h 04 min

And let's not forget the Iberian disasters!
August 9, 2021 - 16 h 32 min

If your comment relates to the (proven) incident mentioned a few days ago by a third-party respondent of three Ryanair flight aircraft in Spain (in 2012) :
The Irish Aviation Authority investigated the incidents and came to a number of conclusions, including:
1 "The aircraft in all three cases departed for Madrid with fuel in excess of Flight Plan requirements";
2 "The Crew diverted to Valencia with fuel in excess of the minimum diversion fuel depicted on the Flight Plan";
3 "Diverting with fuel close to minimum diversion fuel in the circumstances presented on the evening in question was likely to present challenges for the crew. Initial holding was to the Southwest of Madrid which increased the diversion time to the alternate";
4 "The Crew declared an Emergency in accordance with EU-OPS when the calculated usable fuel for landing at Valencia was less than final reserve";
5 "The Met conditions in Madrid were more significant than anticipated by the Crew when reviewing the Met Forecast. Consequently, the additional fuel carried was influenced by the forecast";
6 "Operations into a busy airport such as Madrid in Thunderstorm conditions with the associated traffic levels can add significant delays to all traffic";
7 "Air Traffic Control in Valencia was under significant pressure with the number of diversions arriving in their airspace."
This type of report is both technical and systematic. Its aim is to improve flight safety where necessary (and not to point the finger of blame).
These reports are published and, for example, here is one (online August 2021) concerning an Air France flight (2015 to DOUALA):
As far as accidents are concerned (e.g. the tragedy of flight AF 447), there is the same technical aspect (final report of the B.E.A. in July 2012). The judicial part (responsibilities) is a matter for the courts and a forthcoming trial:
August 9, 2021 - 21 h 02 min

Bsr before working as a pilot for Air France I was a bush pilot in Cameroon and in 1979 no company was recruiting so if young people have an opportunity it's great.
I don't think they're kleenex companies as you say, and at the time I would have jumped at any offer, but he didn't have any, so for me it's a good thing for young people to get started in the business.
August 12, 2021 - 10 h 44 min

If it's to fly 737s, then it's not worth it. I'm not a Kamikaze pilot. No thanks !
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