OKR's next-generation performance management offers a multi-faceted methodology that puts each employee's career development in the spotlight. Performance appraisals based on the OKR methodology draw a map of success based on set objectives and key results. However, it not only assesses employees' current situation in relation to the OKRs they have set, i.e. measuring the percentage of objectives they have achieved, but, in addition to the percentage of OKR success, it offers a more comprehensive perspective by assessing competencies.

Why are skills assessments necessary?

What is theskills assessment highlights?

OCR approaches that also focus on skills assessments can measure the development of an employee's business acumen, their degree of success under different sub-headings in terms of soft skills (behavioral skills) and hard skills (technical skills). For example, with regard to non-technical skills, we can examine the extent to which the employee is solution-oriented, or the extent to which he or she is inclined to cooperate. On the technical side, the employee's mastery of the software he or she is expected to know may be questioned.

At the end of the follow-up after the skills set has been determined, the skills assessments reveal where the employee can be improved and what can be done for him/her, what his/her main talent is, whether he/she is willing to improve or not, and what kind of position he/she occupies at team level.

How to carry out a skills assessment?

Evaluation criteria are determined and specified in a transparent way. In this way, competence can be defined. Since you cannot expect the same skills and competency levels from every employee, the definition of competency varies by department and level. Once the different definitions have been defined according to department and level, the assessor is appointed. Depending on the rules established by the company, this assessor may be a manager, a team leader or the individual him/herself. Self-appraisers also try to take an objective view of their personal development. The assessor does not necessarily have to be a single person; several different assessors can be appointed. If the company allows, employees can choose their own assessors. In addition to the competencies specifically determined for each individual, certain competencies that are absolutely required of every employee, based on the company's core values, culture, sector or mission, can be incorporated into competency assessments.

Why are skills assessments necessary?

How can you make the most of skills assessment results?

Employees can clearly see where they stand in terms of skills in the eyes of the people they wish to assess. They will be motivated by the knowledge that their skills are being noticed. As a result, employee loyalty increases. If the employee evaluates himself, he will notice what he has brought to himself over time on the road to success. On the other hand, he'll be prepared to act with a clear understanding of areas for improvement, thanks to constructive feedback. For example, he may decide to sign up for a new training course to acquire a new technical skill during such a review meeting.

Team leaders find theskills assessment the opportunity to get to know and compare all team members. They also find another opportunity to show that they appreciate the positive aspects. Various collaborations between individuals can emerge so that employees support each other in their skills. In addition, they can see what they need to devote more time and effort to. They also notice if there is a need to circulate employees.

In cases where employees can carry out skills assessments for their managers, the latter have the opportunity to discover whether they can become a mentor rather than a manager. If the perception of the manager in the eyes of employees is very important for companies to retain important talent, the presence of such an analysis with the skills assessment is also a great opportunity for managers.

Carrying out skills assessments and give feedback with the skills assessment module from A2FROCES, a new-generation performance management platform, is both easy and effective.

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